
Archive for January, 2011

Training the dog

As there is 100 months to m 50th birthday and 50 things to do, I think I’ll give each thing 2 months, with more time to make the practice sit well.

Naturally I cannot get anything right now that costs money, like a motorcycle or taking courses and so on, but I can do things that don’t cost anything, like starting to get my condition up, my weight down and the dog trained 😀

I am going to give the weight loss program the whole 100 months. Nevertheless, for this year, the plan is to get my weight under 80 kilos, and be able to do push-ups and pull-ups; at least 10 of both.
I also plan on participating in “Tjejmilen” already this year. If I keep getting longer walks with the dog, I believe it will get my condition up, and the dog will be happy.
I have also decided to cut of sweets, white wheat and sandwiches, my three biggest problems, and try to be vegetarian the summer half of the year. I believe this will be enough for dieting for now, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I lost more weight than planned.
I do have to plan how to get the upper body stronger…

What I have been doing the last 2-3 days? Pottering with dog training.

Our Springer Spaniel, Boris, is a really, really, really smart dog. His biggest problem is that his owners aren’t very good dog trainers. We are patient, kind and intelligent, and WHEN we do it, we do it well, but we DON*T do it. Already when he was a puppy, I had the idea that he’s my husband’s dog, so HE do the training. Also, he had been bragging about a previous dog, and I was kind of p’d off by that. As if I didn’t count, or something. Now he’s 6 and practically untrained.

Oh, he’s so smart, he knows how to walk the leash although he doesn’t do it well, he knows how to back, he knows right and left, he knows crawl and jump, shake and pee, sit and a lot of other things… But I want to teach him search mushroom next autumn, and take the course, he needs to have “basic obedience training” sitting in his backbone so well he could take a novice obedience cert. THAT would not happen today 😀

But he is getting the clicker and that he must be calm to get the candy really quickly… I’m so proud of him 🙂
I’m sure I’ll train him be home alone too 🙂

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