
Archive for the ‘rain’ Category


TAHTOO!!! magnify

These are 2rabbit‘s cookie cutters… I’m green of envy!!! I started collecting cookie cutters when I was 14 and when I moved from home, my mother kept half of MY COOKIE CUTTERS!!! And then she one day told me happily in the phone how she had baked with her grand-daughter and they had all these cute and nice cookie cutters. MY COOKIE CUTTERS!!!

And one of the worst things is that I had sorted my cookie cutters, and I had duplets, and my mother just gave me half of them – so she brought me half of the cookie cutters and mostly doubles… I have to remember to take my doubles and take them with me when I’ll visit my mom’s house next time. AND TAKE BACK MY COOKIE CUTTERS!!!

I have a huge heart, big dala-horse, and big cat and mouse cutters,
two guys and two girls,
a camel, a giraffe and an elephant
2 big bears and one babybear
4 hearts in different sizes – 2 exact the same
two bunnies, a sheep and an egg
Swedish Christmas goat and a piggy
3 circles of exact same size
2 t-rayed stars and 1 6 rays
2 clouds
2 classic gingerbread cutters (flower) and one with a circular hole in the middle
flower with five petals
3 abstract figures – one symmetrical oriental shape, one oak-leafy like and one diamond with thingies. I suppose these have a name too, but I don’t know.
One cookie cutter that has the shape of Finland

So – that’s 43 cookie cutters. And it’s not enough. I WANT MORE!!!
[So, Nicole from Craft-apalooza… you can tell “Di”, that of course there are more important things in the world than cookie cutters, but WHO CARES!!!]

And the thing is that I don’t even remember what my mother has kept… I think there was a train and a car and other such things… maybe a horse… *hmm* Hen?


It’s raining. It’s the first rain this spring, and the world smells almost like summer… *_* Mmmm… I love rain. May is one of the best months ever. (And it isn’t even here yet! LOL)


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